Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia has won the realworldcasting.com contest thanks to her close friends who contributed to her to win. Ayiiia may be of Mexican origin, but she's not been on a lengthy trip to Mexico. She is a talker. She's sometimes funny, which can make her feel uncomfortable with other roommates. Soon, she discovers that her real world home is a lot harder than she thought. Ayiiia is a newly reformed party girl with a history of substance abuse and cutting. Ayiiia will not accept anyone's forgiveness, even though she claims to be in love with her and not be judgmental. Ayiiia was in a relationship for a while with a different woman. She was living with her mother and her mother in San Diego and was looking for a home of her own before the reunion. She and Jonna did not get along during the reunion due to disagreements they had while filming.

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